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发表于: 2017-11-30   点击: 

姓名: 李正光

职称: 教授
所在系别: 计算数学系
最高学历: 博士研究生毕业
最高学位: 博士



研究方向: 工程问题数值方法、结构有限元分析、特征灵敏度分析、损伤识别


教育经历: 1994.9-1998.7 365be体育官方网站数学系 理论与应用力学专业 本科生
1998.9-2001.6 365be体育官方网站数学所 固体力学专业  硕士生
2001.9-2004.6 365be体育官方网站数学所 计算数学专业  博士生

2004.6-2006.9 be365体育平台讲师
2006.10-2011.9 be365体育平台副教授
2006.6-2006.8  香港城市大学高级研究助理
2008.5-2009.3  日本千叶工业大学客座研究员
2011.10- be365体育平台教授

2016.1-2016.3 香港理工大学访问学者

2017.1-2017.3 香港理工大学访问学者

2018.1-2018.3 香港理工大学访问学者

2018.4-2019.2 日本关西学院大学客座研究员

国家自然科学基金(51005096),车身动态设计优化中的快速CAE方法,2011.1-2013.12 完成

调相机本体外轴向槽对转子不平衡刚度引起的振动抑制研究,2017.9-2018.9 完成

[1] Liu, HF, Li ZG , An improved generalized flexibility matrix approach for structural damage detection, INVERSE PROBLEMS IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING , 2020 ,28 (6) , pp.877-893 (SCI,EI)

[2] Zheng, SP; Wu, BS and Li, ZG, Free vibration reanalysis of structures with added degrees of freedom, COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES 2018,206: pp.31-41 (SCI,EI)

[3] Li, ZG; Lai, SK and Wu, BS, A new method for computation of eigenvector derivatives with distinct and repeated eigenvalues in structural dynamic analysis, MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING 2018,107 , pp.78-92 (SCI,EI)

[4] Li, ZG; Wu, BS and Zhong, HX, Iterative Computation of Eigenvector Derivatives for Middle Eigenvalues, AIAA JOURNAL ,2016,54 (11) , pp.3580-3587 (SCI,EI)

[5] Wu B. S., Yang S. T., Li Z. G., Zheng S.P., A combined method for computing frequency responses of proportionally damped systems, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2015, 60-61: 535–546. (SCI,EI)

[6] Liu H. F., Wu B. S., Li Z. G., The Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method for Static Reanalysis with Modifications of Supports, Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE, 2015, 141(2):04014111. (SCI,EI)

[7] Zheng S.P., Wu B.S., Li Z.G., Vibration reanalysis based on block combined approximations with shifting, Computers and Structures, 2015, 149:72-80.(SCI,EI)

[8] Wu B. S., Yang S. T., Li Z. G., Zheng S.P., A preconditioned conjugate gradient method for computing eigenvector derivatives with distinct and repeated eigenvalues, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2015, 50-51: 249-259 (SCI,EI)

[9] Liu H. F., Wu B. S., Li Z. G., Zheng S.P., Structural static reanalysis for modification of supports, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2014, 50(3): 425-435 (SCI,EI)

[10] Liu, H. F.; Wu B. S.; Li, Z. G., Method of Updating the Cholesky Factorization for Structural Reanalysis with Added Degrees of Freedom, Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE, 2014, 140(2): 384-392 (SCI,EI)

[11] Wu B. S.,Yu Y. P., Li Z. G., Xu Z. H., An analytical approximation method for predicting static responses of electrostatically actuated microbeams, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2013, 54: 99-104 (SCI,EI)

[12] Liu H. F., Wu B. S., Li Z. G., An efficient approach to structural static reanalysis with added support constraints, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2012, 43( 3), 273-285 (SCI,EI)

[13] Li J., Li Z. G., Zhong H. X., B. S. Wu, Structural damage detection using generalized flexibility matrix and changes in natural frequencies, AIAA Journal, 2012, 50(5), 1072-1078 (SCI,EI)

[14] Liu H. F., Wu B. S., Lim C. W., Li Z. G., An approach for structural static reanalysis with unchanged number of degrees of freedom, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2012, 45(5), 681-192 (SCI,EI)

[15] Ma Y.; Zhang Y. Y.; Wu, B. S.; Sun W. P.; Li, Z. G; Sun J. Q., Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Films for Building Energetic Walking Devices, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2011, 50(28): 6254-6257  (SCI)

[16] Li Z.G., Lim C.W., Wu B.S., A comparison of several reanalysis methods for structural layout modifications with added degrees of freedom, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2008, 36(4), 403-410. (SCI,EI)

[17] Li Z. G., Wu B. S., A preconditioned conjugate gradient approach to structural reanalysis for general layout modifications, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2007, 70 (5), 505-522. (SCI,EI)

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