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发表于: 2017-11-30   点击: 

姓名: 张勇
职称: 教授
所在系别: 概率统计系
最高学历: 博士研究生
最高学位: 博士

所在学科专业: 概率论与数理统计
所研究方向: 概率论及其在金融、统计中的应用
讲授课程: 6.概率统计极限理论
教育经历: 2006年9月 — 2009年6月  365be体育官方网站数学研究所 博士研究生
2003年9月 — 2006年6月  365be体育官方网站数学研究所 硕士研究生
1999年9月 — 2003年7月  be365体育平台   本科生
工作经历: 2016年9月---至今      be365体育平台 教授
2015年6月 ---至今      博士生导师
2013年1月---2014年1月    美国田纳西大学数学系   博士后
2012年9月 --2016年9月      be365体育平台 副教授
2009年7月 — 2012年9月 be365体育平台 讲师
科研项目: 7.国家自然科学基金面上基金   负责人
6.吉林省科技厅面上基金      负责人
5.吉林省科技厅青年基金     负责人
4.国家自然科学基金青年基金   负责人
3.365be体育官方网站基本科研业务费(科学前沿与交叉学科创新项目)  负责人
2.365be体育官方网站基本科研业务费(青年教师创新项目)   负责人
1.be365体育平台青年教师基金   负责人
学术论文: [20]Yong  Zhang.  The limit law of the iterated logarithm for linear processes. Statistics and Probability Letters, 2017, 122. 147-151.

[19]Yong  Zhang, Xue Ding. Further research on complete moment convergence for moving average process of a class of random variables. J. Inequal. Appl. 2017, 2017:46.  

[18]Yong  Zhang, Xue Ding. Limit properties for ratios of order statistics from exponentials. Journal of Inequalities and Applications,2017, 2017:11.

[17] Yong  Zhang.  An extension of almost sure central limit theorem for self-normalized products of sums for mixing sequences. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2016, 45(22). 6625-6640.

[16]Yong Zhang. A universal result in almost sure central limit theorem for products of sums of partial sums under mixing sequence.  Stochastics.  2016,88(6), 803-812.

[15] Xili Tan, Hang Wang, Yong Zhang. Complete convergence of the non-identically distributed pairwise NQD random sequences.  Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods.  2016,45(9), 2626-2637.    

[14] Yong Zhang.Complete moment convergence for moving average process generated by$pho^-$-mixing random variables. Journal of Inequalities and Applications.  2015, 2015:245

[13] Yong Zhang. A general result on almost sure central limit
theorem for self-normalized sums for mixing sequences.  Lithuanian
Mathematical Journal, 2013, 53(4),471-483.

[[12].Yong Zhang, Xiaoyun Yang. Asymptotic distribution for products of  sums of linear processes under dependence.  Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods. 2013, 42(13),  2292-2300.

[11].Yong Zhang,Xiaoyun Yang. An almost sure central limit theorem for self-normalized weighted sums. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae, English Series. 2013, 29(1), 79-92.

[10]. Yong Zhang, Xiaoyun Yang. A note on the ASCLT for triangular arrays of random variables with an extension to U-statistics. Acta  Mathematica Sinica, English Series,  2012, 28(9),1907-1916.

[9] Xili Tan, Ying Zhang, Yong Zhang.  An almost sure central limit theorem of products of partial sums for   -mixing sequences.  Journal of Inequalities and Applications. 2012.03 2012:51 doi:10.1186/1029-242X-2012-51.

[8].Yong Zhang, Xiaoyun Yang, Zhishan Dong, Dehui Wang. The limit theorem for dependent random variables with applications to autoregression models. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity
2011,24(3). 565-579.

[7]. Yong Zhang, Xiaoyun Yang. An almost sure central limit theorem for self-normalized products of sums of i.i.d. random variables. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2011,376(1), 29-41.

[6].Zhiwen Zhao, Dehui Wang, Yong Zhang. Limit theory for random coefficient first-order autoregressive process under martingale difference error sequence. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2011,235, 2515-2522.

[5].Yong Zhang, Xiaoyun Yang. Limit theory for random coefficient first-order autoregressive process. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods.,2010,39(11), 1922-1931.

[4].Yong Zhang, Xiaoyun Yang, Zhishan Dong. A general law of precise asymptotics for products of sums under dependence。Acta  Mathematica Sinica, English Series.2010,26(1), 107-116.

[3]. Yong Zhang, Xiaoyun Yang, Zhishan Dong.An almost sure central limit theorem for products of sums of partial sums under association。Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,2009,355(2),708-716.

[2]. Yong Zhang, Xiaoyun Yang, Zhishan Dong.  A general law of precise asymptotics for the complete moment convergence. Chinese Annals of Mathematics Series B. 2009,30(1),  77-90.

[1]. Yong Zhang, Xiaoyun Yang. Precise asymptotics in the law of the iterated logarithm and the complete convergence for uniform empirical process. Statistics and Probability Letters.2008,78(9),1051-1055.
座右铭: 生命不止,自强不息。

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